A fewkey figures

2018 Neosilver is created
2 Committed founders
20 Million of seniors by 2030 in France
180 Thousand users by 2023



Jean Hennequin

Co-founder Neosilver

Omar Bennouna

Co-founder Neosilver

A word
from the founders

For a year, the Paris-Dauphine Incubator provided us with the best possible conditions to take our startup to the next level: personalised support and a real investment from the incubator team, visibility, privileged access to different expertise, mentoring and different sources of financing. Not to mention a warm atmosphere and solidarity between incubates.

Jean & Omar, Co-founders of Neosilver

A few
more information

Concerned by the isolation of 900,000 seniors in France and the loneliness of 4 millions French people over 60, we wanted to provide an upstream response to the sedentary lifestyle and the loss of social ties. 

The transition from working life to retirement, which affects 600,000 people each year, is accompanied by a loss of physical and intellectual reference points, and of social ties. 

The practice of sports and cultural activities is an opportunity to develop social links, maintain physical and cognitive capacities and promote self-esteem.