A few key figures

2015 Koober is created
50 Koobs publilshed every month
1.5 Million euros in raised funds
1,000 Persons getting smarter monthly



Alexandre Bruneau

Co-founder & CEO Koober

Alexandre Mulliez

Co-founder Koober

A word
from the founder

We were incubated at Paris-Dauphine very early in Koober’s life, at a time when we had an idea, a project and a need to confront it with a market. We were still looking for our business model. We took advantage of the Dauphine environment to interview professors and work with students on their masters. We learned a lot during the year spent at the incubator and it is thanks to all this learning that we were able to pivot and develop the model as it exists today.

Alexandre Bruneau, CEO of Koober

A little bit
of history

At Koober, our fight is about education. 

We are convinced that education is the global challenge to be placed above all others. 

Giving access to knowledge to as many people as possible should enable everyone to develop a critical mind. Having a critical mind allows one to make good decisions, or at least decisions that lead to progress. 

For all these reasons we fight every day to give access to ideas that come from the best sources of content. We are developing a solution that allows people to access these ideas, but also to assimilate and retain them so that they can apply them in their everyday lives. 

After the Paris-Dauphine Incubator we were accelerated at NUMA and then integrated the Cargo. We now have our own premises and a lot of energy to accelerate our development. 

Want to join the team? Contact us!